联系方式: 地址: 上海市梅陇路130号澳门37000Cm威尼斯实验11楼415室 电话: 021-64253988 Email: lilyliu@ecust.edu.cn
研究方向: (1)新污染物的降解机理及防控技术 主要包括抗生素、卤代阻燃剂等新污染物的高级氧化-微生物降解 (2)环境污染物暴露风险评估及全生命周期评价 主要包括基因组学、代谢组学的新污染物毒性及生态效应,及全生命周期评价 (3)区域环境污染物源解析技术及应用 主要以三维荧光光谱、氮氧同位素、微生物多样性等方法开展太湖流域、长江口等区域水体、土壤、沉积物的复杂污染源解析
教育背景: 2003-2006:博士,哈尔滨工业大学,环境工程专业 2001-2003:硕士,哈尔滨工业大学,环境工程专业 1997-2001:学士,武汉大学,环境科学专业
工作经历: 2009-至今:澳门37000Cm威尼斯副研究员 2012-2013:香港大学土木工程系访问学者 2007-2009:澳门37000Cm威尼斯博士后、讲师 教学情况: 本科生课程:物理性污染控制 研究生课程:物理性污染控制技术及设计
学术兼职: 巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心化学品与废物环境管理智库专家 Toxcis客座编辑
主要承担的科研项目: 1. 国家重点研发计划固废资源化专项,城镇易腐有机固废生物转化与二次污染控制技术项目,“不同生物转化模式全过程环境风险评价体系构建”课题,2018/12-2022/12,主持 2. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,“重污染区(武进)水环境整治技术集成与综合示范项目”子课题,2017/01-2020/12,主持 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,复合污染区域沉积物中多溴联苯醚微生物转化机理及其种群响应特征研究,2018/01-2021/12,主持 4. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,“三峡库区水生态系统感知体系的核心传感器研发及技术集成研究”子课题,2014/01-2017/10,主持 5. 上海市环保局重大项目资助计划,水质综合毒性分析仪、藻毒素原位监测仪研制,2015/01-2018/12,主持 6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,多溴联苯醚与重金属复合污染沉积物的微生物降解及稳定化机理研究,2011/01-2013/12,主持 7. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项课题,典型电子垃圾拆解区河涌沉积物中多溴联苯醚与重金属复合污染特性及潜在生态风险初探,2012/10-2014/10,主持 8. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项课题,典型废水生物处理系统中多溴联苯醚迁移转化机理初探,2009/10-2011/10,主持 9. 上海市自然科学基金项目,长江口多溴联苯醚与重金属复合污染沉积物的微生物修复机理研究,2009/10-2011/12,主持 10. 晨光学者计划(上海市教委与上海市教育发展基金委),2007-2009,主持
代表性论文: Liu LL, Mi HS, Zhang M, Sun FF, Zhan R, Zhao HB, He SQ, Zhou L. Efficient moxifloxacin degradation by CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles activated peroxymonosulfate: Kinetics, pathways and mechanisms. Chem. Eng. J. 2021,407:127201. Liu LL, Sun FF, Zhao HB, Mi HS, He SQ, Chen Y, Liu Y, Lan HL, Zhang M, Wang ZP. Compositional changes of sedimentary microbes in the Yangtze River Estuary and their roles in the biochemical cycle. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 760:143383. Liu LL, Dong YC, Kong M, Zhou J, Zhao HB, Wang YP, Zhang M, Wang ZP. Towards the comprehensive water quality control in Lake Taihu: Correlating chlorphyll a and water quality parameters with generalized additive model. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 705:135993. Liu LL, ZhanR, ZhangYX, Zhang M, Wang ZP, LiJN. Deep oxidation of norfloxacin by the electrochemical enhanced heterogeneous catalytic oxidation: the role of electric field and reaction optimization.Chemosphere 2022, 302: 134894. Liu LL, He SQ, Tang MQ, Zhang M, Wang C, Wang ZP, Sun FF, Yan Y, Li H, Lin KF.Pseudo toxicity abatement effect of norfloxacin and copper combined exposure on Caenorhabditis elegans. Chemosphere 2022, 287: 132019. Liu LL, ZhanR, Zhang M, LiJN, Wang ZP, MiHS,ZhangYX. Insights into the performance, mechanism, and ecotoxicity of levofloxacin degradation in CoFe2O4 catalytic peroxymonosulfate process. J Environ. Chem. Eng. 2022, 10(3): 107435. Liu LL, Dong YC, Kong M, Zhou J, Zhao HB, Tang Z, Zhang M, Wang ZP. Insights into the long-term pollution trends and sources contributions in Lake Taihu, China using multi-statistic analyses models. Chemosphere 2020, 242:125272. Liu LL, Tang Z, Kong M, Chen X, Zhou CC, Huang K, Wang ZP. Tracing the potential pollution sources of the coastal water in Hong Kong with statistical models combining APCS-MLR. J. Environ. Manage. 2019, 245: 143-150. Liu LL, Chen X, Wang ZP, Wang XX, Lin S. The removal mechanism and performance of tetrabromobisphenol A with a novel multi-group activated carbon from recycling long-root Eichhornia crassipes plants. RSC Adv. 2019, 9: 24760-24769. Liu LL, Chen X, Wang ZP, Lin S. Removal of aqueous fluoroquinolones with multi-functional activated carbon (MFAC) derived from recycled long-root Eichhornia crassipes: Batch and column studies. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2019, 26(33): 34345-34356. Liu LL, Wang YP, Lin S, Li H, Chen X, Wang ZP, Lin KF. Using network to enhance the insights on correlation and pollution assessment of co-occurring metals in marine sediments, the East China Sea. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2018,25(12), 11913-11923. Lin S, Yang Y,Chen G, Chen X, Zhang W, Xu M, Liu LL*, Lin KF*. Study on the influence of thiolation on the adsorption and magnetic recovery of superparamagnetic nanoadsorbents for Cd2+ removal. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2017,425: 141-147. Lin S, Lian C, Xu M, Zhang W, Liu LL*, Lin KF*. Study on competitive adsorption mechanism among oxyacid-type heavy metals in co-existing system: Removal of aqueous As(V), Cr(III) and As(III) using magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MIONPs) as adsorbents. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2017, 422: 675-681. Liu LL, Li H, Wang ZP, Liu RH, Zhang YC, Lin KF. Insights into spatially and temporally co-occurring polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediments of the East China Sea. Chemosphere. 2015,123:55-63. Liu LL, Wang ZP, Ju F, Zhang T. Co-occurrence correlations of heavy metals in sediments revealed using network analysis. Chemosphere. 2015,119:1305-1313.