发布时间:2017-03-17 访问次数:22859 |
研究方向: 1.高级氧化技术在水污染、大气污染治理等方面的应用研究 2.光催化、异相芬顿、吸附等环境功能材料的开发及应用研究
教育经历: 2003/09–2007/07,东南大学,化学工程与工艺,学士,导师:付国东教授; 2010/09–2012/09,美国Northwestern University,应用化学,联合培养博士研究生,导师:J. Fraser Stoddart教授; 2007/09–2013/03,澳门37000Cm威尼斯,应用化学,博士,导师:张金龙教授。
工作经历: 2013/04–2015/06,澳门37000Cm威尼斯,博士后,合作导师:刘勇弟教授; 2015/07–2016/07,澳门37000Cm威尼斯,讲师; 2016/07–2023/12,澳门37000Cm威尼斯,副教授; 2024/01至今,澳门37000Cm威尼斯,教授。
教学情况: 承担本科生课程:《环境化学》 承担研究生课程:《高等环境化学专论》(全英文)、《论文写作》 指导本科生毕业论文、本科生大创项目及创新创业竞赛
各类荣誉及获奖: 入选“全球前2%顶尖科学家”年度榜单 核工业理化工程研究院科学技术奖一等奖 入选上海市浦江人才计划(A类) 入选澳门37000Cm威尼斯青年英才培育计划 澳门37000Cm威尼斯优秀青年女教师 澳门37000Cm威尼斯模范班导师标兵 澳门37000Cm威尼斯优秀研究生指导教师 第十三届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛国赛银奖(指导教师)
学术兼职: 英文期刊《Research on Chemical Intermediates》编委 英文期刊《Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry》编委 中文核心期刊《净水技术》青年编委 中国化工学会环境保护专委会会员 中国感光学会光催化专业委员会会员 中国化学会(CSC)会员、美国化学会(ACS)会员
承担科研项目: (1)国家军工重大项目子课题:军工B100-JG2011,2020.01-2022.12, 项目负责人. (2)国家自然科学基金面上项目:光热协同增效的异相芬顿体系的构建及其降解有机污染物的效能与机制研究,项目编号22076046, 2021.01-2024.12, 项目负责人. (3)国家自然科学基金面上项目:反蛋白石多级孔结构光芬顿试剂的制备及其降解有机污染物的研究,项目编号21777044, 2018.01-2021.12,项目负责人. (4)国家自然科学基金青年项目:新型杂化介孔光催化材料的制备及其降解大气污染物的研究,项目编号21407049,2015.01-2017.12,项目负责人. (5)上海市科委政府间国际合作(中法合作)项目:原位产H2O2的新型芬顿体系的构建及其对有机污染物的降解研究,项目编号,2019.07-2022.06,项目负责人. (6)上海市科委自然科学基金探索项目: 基于多级孔光子晶体的光芬顿试剂的制备及其降解有机污染物的性能研究,项目编号19ZR1472400,2019.07-2022.06,项目负责人. (7)上海市浦江人才计划资助项目:新型杂化介孔材料的设计、制备及其对金属离子的比率荧光检测,项目编号222201314045,2014.07-2016.06,项目负责人. (8)中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目: 新型氧化钛-氮化碳复合光催化剂对水中污染物的降解,项目编号2015T80409, 2015.09-2017.08,项目负责人. (9)中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目:新型杂化介孔材料对金属离子的比率荧光检测,项目编号2013M540339, 2013.09-2015.04,项目负责人. (10)中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目: 基于碳量子点杂化介孔材料的金属离子比率荧光探针的构建及其应用,项目编号222201314045, 2013.06-2015.05,项目负责人.
发表论文、论著及专利等: 迄今,已发表SCI收录论文110余篇,SCI 他引5600余次,h-index 45; 以第一作者/通讯作者在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed、Appl. Catal. B-Environ、ACS Nano、Chem. Eng. J、J.Hazard. Mater.、ACS Sus. Chem.、Chem. Commun.等期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,包括中国科学院一区期刊论文20余篇(其中IF>15的10篇),二区期刊论文20余篇,ESI高被引论文8篇;参编英文专著3部,申请专利20余项。
代表性论文: Liang Zhou, Zheng Su, Jia Wang, Yannan Cai, Ningkai Ding, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu, Juying Lei*. Highly selective regeneration of 1,4-NADH enabled by a metal-free core-shell photocatalyst of resorcinol-formaldehyde resins@polyaniline under visible light. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2024,341,123290. Yizhou Wu, Wenqi Zhou, Liang Zhou, Su-Il In, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu*. Near-infrared photothermal effect enhanced heterogeneous catalysis of Co3O4/PDA composite for highly efficient activation of peroxymonosulfate to degrade antibiotic pollutants.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474, 145267. Xinxi Zhang, Wenyi Gu, Da Liu, Liang Zhou, Nguyen Nhat Huy, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu, Juying Lei*. Fe(II) and Pyridinic N complex sites synergy to activate PMS for specific generation of 1O2 to degrade antibiotics with high efficiency.Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 892, 164067. Da Liu, Wenqi Zhou, Sihan Tan, Xiaoxue Wang, Yibin Zheng, Huawei Wang, Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*,Jinlong Zhang, and Yongdi Liu. Defect Engineering of MOF-Derived Carbon for Peroxymonosulfate Activation to Degrade Sulfadiazine: Roles of Carbon Vacancies and Edge Defects. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023, 3, 2038−2050. Da Liu, Wenyi Gu, Liang Zhou, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu, Juying Lei*. Recent advances in MOF-derived carbon-based nanomaterials for environmental applications in adsorption and catalytic degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 427, 131503. Yunhao Tian, Shijie Yao, Liang Zhou, Yaru Hu, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu, Changzheng Cui*. Efficient removal of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and intracellular antibiotic resistance genes by heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate on hierarchical macro-mesoporous Co3O4-SiO2 with enhanced photogenerated charges.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022,430, 127414. Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, FuchenWang, Lingzhi Wang, MichaelR. Hoffmann, Yongdi Liu, Su-Il In*, Jinlong Zhang*. Carbon nitride nanotubes with in situ grafted hydroxyl groups for highly efficient spontaneous H2O2 production.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 288, 119993. Yunhao Tian, Yizhou Wu, Qiuying Yi, Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Mingyang Xing, Yongdi Liu, Jinlong Zhang. Singlet oxygen mediated Fe2+/peroxymonosulfate photo-Fenton-like reaction driven by inverse opal WO3 with enhanced photogenerated charges. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 128644. Yunhao Tian, Nan Jia, Hui Ma, Geying Liu, Zhibin Xiao, Yizhou Wu, Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu, Jinlong Zhang. 0D/3D coupling of g-C3N4 QDs/hierarchical macro-mesoporous CuO-SiO2 for high-efficiency norfloxacin removal in photo-Fenton-like processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 419, 126359. Liang Zhou, Zhihang Liu, Zhipeng Guan, Baozhu Tian, Lingzhi Wang, Yi Zhou, Yanbo Zhou, Juying Lei*, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu. 0D/2D plasmonic Cu2-xS/g-C3N4 nanosheets harnessing UV-vis-NIR broad spectrum for photocatalytic degradation of antibiotic pollutant. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 263, 118326. Liang Zhou, Jianrui Feng, Bocheng Qiu, Yi Zhou, Juying Lei*, Mingyang Xing, Lingzhi Wang, Yanbo Zhou, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. Ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheet with Hierarchical Pores and Desirable Energy Band for Highly Efficient H2O2 Production. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 267, 118396. Juying Lei, Bin Chen, Liang Zhou, Ningkai Ding, Zhengqing Cai, Lingzhi Wang, Su-Il In, Changzheng Cui, Yanbo Zhou, Yongdi Liu, Jinlong Zhang. Efficient degradation of antibiotics in different water matrices through the photocatalysis of inverse opal K-g-C3N4: Insights into mechanism and assessment of antibacterial activity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 400, 125902. Zhenying Jiang, Lingzhi Wang, Juying Lei*, Yongdi Liu, Jinlong Zhang*. Photo-Fenton degradation of phenol by CdS/rGO/Fe2+ at natural pH with in situ-generated H2O2. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 241, 367–374. Juying Lei, Bin Chen, Weijia Lv, Liang Zhou, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*.Robust photocatalytic H2O2 production over inverse opal g-C3N4 with carbon vacancy under visible light.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 19, 16467-16473. Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang. Highly efficient photo-Fenton degradation of methyl orange facilitated by slow light effect and hierarchical porous structure of Fe2O3-SiO2 photonic crystals. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 237, 1160-1167. Fenghui Liu, Jie Yu, Guangyuan Tu, Ling Qu, Jiacheng Xiao, Yongdi Liu, Lingzhi Wang, Juying Lei*, Jinlong Zhang*. Carbon nitride coupled Ti-SBA15 catalyst for visible-light-driven photocatalytic reduction of Cr (VI) and the synergistic oxidation of phenol. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 201, 1-11. Juying Lei, Lingang Yang, Deli Lu, Xuefeng Yan, Chen Cheng, Yongdi Liu, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*. Carbon Dot-Incorporated PMO Nanoparticles as Versatile Platforms for the Design of Ratiometric Sensors, Multichannel Traceable Drug Delivery Vehicles, and Efficient Photocatalysts. Advanced Optical Materials, 2015, 3(1), 57-63. Zhichang Liu#, Juying Lei#, Marco Frasconi, Xiaohu Li, Dennis Cao, Zhixue Zhu, Severin T. Schneebeli, George C. Schatz, J. Fraser Stoddart*. A Square‐Planar Tetracoordinate Oxygen‐Containing Ti4O17 Cluster Stabilized by Two 1, 1′‐Ferrocenedicarboxylato Ligands. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53(35), 9193–9197. Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*.Superbright Multifluorescent Core-shell Mesoporous Nanospheres as Trackable Transport Carrier for Drug. ACS Nano 2011, 5(5), 3447-3455. Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang* and Jinlong Zhang*.Ratiometric pH sensor based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles and Förster resonance energy transfer; Chemical Communications,2010, 46(44), 8445-8447.
参编英文专著: (1)Jinlong Zhang, Baozhu Tian, Lingzhi Wang, Mingyang Xing, Juying Lei. Photocatalysis: Fundamentals, Materials and Applications. Springer, Singapore, 2018. (2)Juying Lei, Hong Li, Jinlong Zhang, Masakazu Anpo.Low-Dimensional and Nanostructured Materials and Devices, Springer International Publisher, New York, 2015, pp 423-460. (3)Chencheng Dong, Mingyang Xing, Juying Lei, Jinlong Zhang. Current Developments in Photocatalysis and Photocatalytic Materials: New Horizons in Photocatalysis, Elsevier, 2020, pp 303-321.
发明专利: (1)用于pH比率探针的介孔二氧化硅荧光纳米粒子制备方法;专利编号:CN201010294361.3. (2)一种有序介孔有机硅荧光纳米材料及其制备方法;专利编号:CN201410453596.0. (3)碳量子点及钛共掺杂的介孔氧化硅复合光催化剂及其制备方法;专利编号:CN201410453951.4. (4)一种g-C3N4表面生长TiO2纳米晶的方法与应用;专利编号:CN201510016039.7. (5)一种可用于光催化降解有机污染物的TiO2薄膜的制备方法;专利公开号:CN105107488A. (6)一种花岗岩负载纳米二氧化钛光催化材料及其制备方法;专利编号: CN105126800A. (7)一种钛掺杂SBA-15负载氮化碳的复合光催化剂及其应用;专利编号:CN201610290325.7. (8)一种可见光光助芬顿催化剂及其制备方法;专利编号:CN201610147430.5. (9)一种g-C3N4与聚合物PDPB复合光催化剂的制备及其应用;专利编号:CN201610547983.X (10) 一种反蛋白石结构三氧化钨的制备方法及其在光芬顿助催化中的应用;专利编号:CN2020109542580。
招收以下专业的博士和硕士研究生: 环境科学与工程,资源与环境
联系方式: 地址:澳门37000Cm威尼斯教学六楼405室 E-mail:leijuying@ecust.edu.cn
网页发布时间: 2017-03-17