
1. 典型新污染物的原位识别技术开发
2. 新污染物多介质环境光化学行为研究
3. 高级氧化/高级还原技术研究
2007.09–2011.06, 理学学士,南京大学, 环境科学专业
2011.09–2014.06, 理学硕士,南京大学, 环境科学专业
2014.10–2017.10, 理学博士,法国里昂第一大学,环境化学专业
2016.04–2017.03, 博士交换生,法国克莱蒙奥弗涅大学,化学专业
2018.01-至今 澳门37000Cm威尼斯,澳门37000Cm威尼斯,特聘副研究员、副教授
2021.09-至今 澳门37000Cm威尼斯,澳门37000Cm威尼斯,环境工程系副主任、主任
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(22176059),2022.01-2025.12,78万元,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(21806037),2019.01-2021.12,25万元,主持
3. 上海市生态环境局科研项目:大气污染物排放标准制定与后续评估技术,40万元,主持
4. 上海市生态环境局科研项目:杭州湾地区臭氧污染跟踪监测与溯源技术研究,40万元,主持
5. 澳门37000Cm威尼斯特聘副研究科研启动费,50万元,主持
1. Minghui Hong, Xuerui Yang, Xuewei Zhang, Yuefei Ji, Lei Zhou*, Guangli Xiu, Zhigang Ni, Claire Richard. Aqueous photodegradation of the benzophenone fungicide metrafenone: Carbon-bromine bond cleavage mechanism. Water Research. 206 (2021), 117775.
2. Xuerui Yang, Xi Ding, Lei Zhou*, Huan-huan Fan, Xingbao Wang, Corinne Ferronato, Jean-marc Chovelon, Guangli Xiu*. New insights into clopyralid degradation by sulfate radical: Pyridine ring cleavage pathways. Water Research. 171 (2020), 115378.
3. Lei Zhou*, Qing Zhao, Xuerui Yang, Corinne Ferronato, Jean-Marc Chovelon, Mohamad Sleiman, Claire Richard*.Sulfate radical mediated degradation of 5-halogenosalicylic acids: Phenoxyl radical transformation pathways. Chemical Engineering Journal. 394 (2020) 124839.
4. Xiaoxiang Wang, Lei Zhou*, Yifan Liu, Kun Zhang, Guangli Xiu. Investigating the photolysis of NO2 and influencing factors by using a DFT/TD-DFT method. Atmospheric Environment. 230 (2020) 117559.
5. Xue Cao, Chenzhi Yan, Xuerui Yang, Lei Zhou*, Wenjun Zou, Guangli Xiu*. Photolysis-Induced Neurotoxicity Enhancement of Chlorpyrifos in Aquatic System: A Case Investigation on Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68 (2020), 461-470.
6. Lei Zhou, Chenzhi Yan, Mohamad Sleiman, Corinne Ferronato, Jean-Marc Chovelon*, Xingbao Wang, Claire Richard*, Sulfate Radical Induced Degradation of β2-adrenoceptor Agonists Salbutamol and Terbutaline: Implication of Halides, Bicarbonate, and Natural Organic Matter. Chemical Engineering Journal. 368 (2019) 252-260.
7. Lei Zhou, Xuerui Yang, Yuefei Ji*, Jie Wei*. Sulfate radical-based oxidation of the antibiotics sulfamethoxazole, sulfisoxazole, sulfathiazole, and sulfamethizole: The role of five-membered heterocyclic rings. Science of the Total Environment. 692 (2019) 201–208.
8. Lei Zhou, Claire Richard, Corinne Ferronato, Jean-Marc Chovelon, Mohamad Sleiman*. Investigating the performance of biomass-derived biochars for the removal of gaseous ozone, adsorbed nitrate and aqueous bisphenol A. Chemical Engineering Journal. 334 (2018) 2098–2104.
9. Yuefei Ji, Junhe Lu*, Lu Wang, Mengdi Jiang, Yan Yang, Peizeng Yang, Lei Zhou*, Corinne Ferronato, Jean-Marc Chovelon. Non-activated peroxymonosulfate oxidation of sulfonamide antibiotics in water: Kinetics, mechanisms, and implications for water treatment. Water Research. 147 (2018) 82-90.
10. Rui Zhang*, Xiaoxiang Wang, Lei Zhou*, Zhu Liu, Doug Crump. The impact of dissolved oxygen on sulfate radical-induced oxidation of organic micro-pollutants: A theoretical study. Water Research. 135 (2018) 144-154.